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Application form has been closed.
On-demand video can be used
from Dec. 1st, 2021 to Jan. 31st, 2022
NOTICE1: One workshop have been added on 13-14:30(UTC)!
NOTICE2: “Closing dialogue” was moved to 1-3:00 on 23rd Nov(UTC) because of unavoidable circumstance. Sorry!!
Global connection for peace and democracy
Under the impression of the global corona(COVID-19) pandemic and worrying political situations in various parts of the world, it becomes clear to us how vulnerable democracy really is and how much need there is to encourage a dialogical approach among even larger circles of the population. We believe that it is our responsibility to engage in constant mutual understanding and collaborative endeavor through dialogue in order to build democratic relationships in families, groups, organizations, communities and nations.
We hope this online conference contributes to spread the idea of dialogical approach, and to establish networks nationally and internationally to develop a peaceful and democratic world.
Keynote speakers
Kenneth Gergen
Social psychologist, Emeritus professor at Swarthmore College, President of the Taos Institute
Harlene Anderson
Psychologist, Co-founder for the Postmodern Collaborative Approach Co-founder for the Houston Galverston Institute
Jaakko Seikkula
Clinical psychologist, Emeritus professor at Jyväskylä Universitet
Tom Arnkil
Emiritus research professor at National Institute Health and Welfare, Historical novel writer, Co-founder for the Anticipation Dialogue
Plenary addresses
(P3) The Dance of Dialogue: The Promise and Perils
Speaker: Kenneth Gergen
Through dialogue we construct our understandings of the world, our rationalities, and our values. However, dialogue can take many different forms, and these forms may lead to peace, harmony, or creative excitement on the one hand, or alienation, anger and bloodshed on the other. Here it is useful to view these dialogic forms as dances. They are patterns of coordination that often carry long-standing tradition; but like dance they may be improvised in action, or created anew. Drawing from therapeutic, organizational, and peace-building practices, I will illustrate how a focus on patterns can lead to major advances in building dialogues of promise as opposed to peril.
(P5) Dialogue depathologize human challenges and make people more equal
Speaker: Jaakko Seikkula
(P2) Dialogues between and within bubbles – Crossing boundaries in our age of uncertainty
Speaker: Tom Arnkil and Augusta Nicoli
(P4)Some Thoughts about Collaboration and Dialogue: Transforming Relationships and Conversations
Speaker: Harlene Anderson
ENGLISH) Click here for checking the abstracts of English workshops
JAPANESE) Click here for checking the abstracts of Japanese workshops
The deadline of application for English workshops closed.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know! –> adm@dlg-japan.net
Time table
Nov 19th [Fri](UTC, EST, PST)
Nov 19th [Fri]-20th [Sat](UTC, EST, PST)
Nov 20th [Sat]-21st [Sun](UTC, EST, PST)
Nov 21st [Sun]-22nd [Mon](UTC, EST, PST)
NOTICE1: One workshop have been added on 13-14:30(UTC)!
NOTICE2: “Closing dialogue” was moved to 1-3:00 on 23rd Nov(UTC) because of unavoidable circumstance. Sorry!!
Nov 22nd [Mon]-23rd [Tue](UTC, EST, PST)
The participants fee have been discounted because of decreasing a number of WS!
The difference will be refunded. (Note: 2021.10.09)
We are waiting for your participations!
The application deadline has been extended to 15th Nov(JST) !
The application form have been closed.
Fee: $300 -> $100!!
The application form have been closed.
Fee: $150 -> $75!!
If you have something to let us know, send an email to adm@dlg-japan.net .
↑Please wait for a few seconds after clicking the “Submit” button. If the form submission is successful, but the Paypal payment has not been made, we will contact you at your registered address.
[Notice for Japanese speakers below.]
日本語はこちら(料金:¥33,000,英語の基調講演/WS全同時通訳付, 4日間全て視聴可,
オンデマンドで後日視聴可能 2021年12月1日~2022年1月末日)
About developing Countries, see below.
Developing Countries include:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia FYR, Moldova, Montenegro, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Syria, Tajikistan, Czech Republic, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
All countries from Africa.
All countries from Central America (including Mexico) and South America
Afghanistan, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Cyprus, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.
Contact (Office)
International and Psychological Support Association (IPSA)
Contact: adm@dlg-japan.net